Branding 101 for NFT Artists

Superlative | Web 3.0
2 min readApr 5, 2022

Branding is an immense discipline so this condensed view offers a summarised understanding of a few steps you can take right now to get started. Typically, when someone mentions the term “Brand’ it feels totally synonymous with visuals and logos, however, this is not the only thing to consider. Brand can be defined as:

…all of the ways in which you communicate what you want to stand for, to the people you want to target.

Understand your audience

There are many different types of NFT buyers, have you considered who you want to target? Learning all you can about your audience isn’t optional, you will need this info to penetrate a saturated market.

Position Your Project

Once you know your audience well you can understand what an NFT might mean to them and answer the question “Why do they buy?”. Once you have this insight, you can position your NFT project as meeting their need.

Communicate your values

Talk about what has motivated you and the team and share an ambitious and compelling story of where the project is going to entice collectors.

For example, the World of Women collection focuses on representations and equality and these brand values are represented in the utility of the project. Owning a WOW NFT grants you commercial royalties which can boost the visibility of female-owned businesses who choose to leverage their WOW in that way. The collection also contributes to a fund centred around supporting artists in the NFT’s space so there is an altruistic kick that comes with owning. This charitable aspect resonates with the audience and helps create a deeper connection with collectors. It compliments their sense of identity and how they wish to be seen in the world.

The Modz Kids

Similarly, The Modz, a collection of baby hype beasts has an extremely active community that frequently participates in social raids to drive engagement and awareness for the project. The collection has effectively engaged it’s audience by communicating ambitions for the future and a compelling story strong enough to rally them into frequently acting on the project's behalf.

